WebSocket Connection


  • The maximum connection duration is 2 hours.

  • During the connection, it will be automatically disconnected if no request is made for 10 minutes.

  • If the connection is disconnected, you must repeat the connection process below to reconnect.

  • Preparation in Advance

    • The REST API Authentication setting process must be preceded to obtain a WebSocket endpoint and ID.
    • Client is required to handle WebSocket communications.
  • WebSocket Info API

    • POST 0/user/read/GetWebSocketInfo

      Inquire the information you need to connect to WebSocket

      Request Body


      Response Body

      "socketUrl": "wss://websocketId.execute-api.aws-region.amazonaws.com/Stage",
      "socketApiId": "websocketId"

      Response JSON Schema

      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
      "socketUrl": {
      "type": "string"
      "socketApiId": {
      "type": "string"
      "required": [
  • Connect to WebSocket

    1. WebSockect Client URL :: WebSocket URL
    2. Header :: KEY = ‘Authorization’ , Value = WebSocket Auth Header
      1. Auth Header is only valid for 10 seconds after creation.
    3. $request.body.action = ‘$connect’ (= Connect Button) Request
